Coming Soon!

Welcome to the future home of incredible stamp bargains; where all stamps will be priced at 60% to 92% off Scott Standard Catalogue prices; where these prices are based solely on the number of stamps you order; where there is no minimum quantity; and where shipping is a flat rate of $1.50 to the USA and $2.50 worldwide regardless of order size.

We have thousands of different stamps from dozens of countries in quantities of from 1 to over 100 of each issue, and customers may mix and match issues and quantities as they choose to get quantity discounts.

For Collectors: Fill those holes in your collection at a bargain price. All stamps are sound, with average to very fine centering that are either fault-free or have only very minor faults.

For Craftspeople: These stamps are ideal for scrapbooking, collage; and craft/art projects. Buy just the stamps you need for your craft project(s)... no more, no less, and at a bargain price.

Don't forget to bookmark this site and check back often. In the mean time, feel free to check out my listings on BidStart and HipStamp (for collectors), and Etsy as Just Old Stamps (for craftspeople). Happy Stamping!-- "Papaw" Don O'Neal for Just Old Stamps